Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wendell Berry: The Use Of Energy

To read her artical click HERE

She is relating things in the respect of what would happen if everything was a machine, but in my eyes everything is a machine. She quotes, "If people are regarded as machines, they must be regarded as replaceable by other machines.” The thing is, humans are replaceable. As terrible as it sounds, if you died today, someone tomorrow would take your place in society. Now, no one could take your place in your friends and parent's hearts, but your position in this world can be filled. That's how life works. There is an ongoing cycle of replacements. We decompose and are used as nutrients for some other new life form. At one point she states, "If we corrupt agriculture we corrupt culture." But culture is always changing, whether that be for the good or bad. Does she want our culture to stay the same? Change can be good. If our culture didn't change since the 1800's,then we would still have slavery. Her whole point is she is afraid that machines will somehow demote certain aspects in our lives, reducing values like the closeness of a family and love in life.

We are part of life, and humans have an ongoing nature of being social creatures that love and need others. We are also power-hungry glutens. If you don't believe this just look back on history at how every type of governmental structure has fallen. In most every situation leaders like Hitler, King Tut, and Alexander The Great, human nature took a toll in all situations. This side of human nature stains the history books. It's just a way of life. We accept this and try to find ways around this aspect of human nature. Even so, it's something that we can't get rid of; it will always be there, just like we can't get rid of love or our need of oxygen. Machines can't eventually take certain values out of us. It's impossible.

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