Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Energy Your Emotions Can Give

Here is a nice article on emotions

Our emotions trigger something within us. If we feel strongly in something or truly believe in something, we will go through hoops and press through hard situations and have the energy that we normally wouldn’t if we weren’t so passionate about it. Being in the right mindset for different situations makes a big difference. For example, running is a big mental game. If I’m about to do a race and I have a negative mindset by thinking I’m not good enough, I’m not going to do as well. If I have a positive mindset and I believe that I will do well, I will do better.

Emotions control your thinking, behavior and actions. They affect your physical body as much as your body affects your feelings and thinking. People, who ignore, dismiss, repress their emotions, are setting them up for physical illness. Negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, negativity, frustration and depression cause chemical reactions in your body that are very different from the chemicals released when you feel positive emotions such as happiness, content, love, acceptance.

It takes a lot of energy to bury emotions and to keep them buried. There isn’t much energy left over for other activities when your energy is being used to keep stuffing these emotions back down. By nature, buried emotions want to come up so you can become aware of them, feel them and release them. You work very hard to keep them stuffed down. Dr. Maurice Elias says, “Emotions are human beings’ warning systems as to what is really going on around them. Emotions are our most reliable indicators of how things are going on in our lives. Emotions help keep us on the right track by making sure that we are led by more than the mental/ intellectual faculties of thought, perception, reason, and memory.”

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