Wednesday, November 18, 2009


My Dad is a surgeon, so my whole life I have grown up hearing bazaar stories. Once, there was a woman who hit a moose with her car. The moose’s antler lodged itself into the woman’s brain. My father had to take out the antler. Every time my dad touched the antler, the women said she would see flashbacks of memories she didn’t even know she still had. Another time, a man was riding his snow machine at night when he came across a metal wire that almost sliced him in half. Every once in a while though, my dad will have to bring someone back to life who’s heart hasn’t beat for several minutes. During this time, the person is technically dead. My dad doesn’t tell me much about these stories. Sometimes people say they see a light. This is probably tunnel vision, just like when you faint. Other times, people come back to life and say they had a choice to go on or come back. Some say they see a rainbow. Who knows what really happens? Who knows if your soul and energy are depleted at this point or if it goes on? It’s something to wonder and dream about, but it’s nothing to dwell on. Our time is now. Our energy should be spent living on this earth and trying to do well. One day we will see what happens when our hearts stops beating.

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