Thursday, November 5, 2009


Energy is the amount of work that can be performed by a force. There are different types of energy ranging from kinetic, light, sound, thermal, electromagnetic, and on. Then there is the energy inside of you. Yes, you are an amazing creation made of millions of cells. All living things are made of cells. Yet, somehow you have managed to rise above other life forms like unicellular organisms, sponges, and all animals alike and become you. Energy is a funny thing. It starts deep within your cells. The mighty mitochondria as we learned as children fuel your bodies and create the energy you need to have your cells work and for you to be able to move around. It's scientific, it’s precise, and it makes sense.
Yet, you aren't precise, and you don't make sense. Within you are something invisible. You have a will to do things. You are filled with emotions of love and hate and everything in between. You use this as energy too. Humans have found another source.


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  2. I like your thoughts lady, you have some killer ideas. I am looking forward to reading your whole page. Keep up the good work!!!
